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 *口语交际:电脑其他用途Computers are used for other things 2017-11-23
 *口语交际:对电脑的不同看法Different opinions on computer 2017-11-23
 *口语交际:今天什么日期What's the date today 2017-11-23
 *口语交际:愚人节April Fool's Day 2017-11-23
 *口语交际:你的出生日期When were you bron 2017-11-23
 *口语交际:她身材如何What's her figure 2017-11-23
 *口语交际:描述朋友Describing a friend 2017-11-23
 *口语交际:新居派对The house warming party 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:你们什么时候结婚When are you getting married 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:我一窍不通It\'s all Greek to me 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:一个私人问题A personal question 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:弗兰克要结婚了Frank’s getting married 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:你们什么时候结婚When’re you getting married 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:你什么时候过生日When is your birthday 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:生日聚会birthday party 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:你去音乐会了吗Did you go to the concert 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:音乐会很棒It was terrific 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:我喜欢摄影I like taking photos 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:我喜欢收集I like collecting things 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:见到你真高兴I'm so glad to see you 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:你喜欢什么天气what's your favorite weather 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:那是汤姆的绰号That's Tom's nickname 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:你经常运动吗Do you often do exercise 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:你最喜欢什么颜色what's your favorite color 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:交通工具Vehicles 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:真是难以置信That is unbelievable 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:公共环境Public Environment 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:偶遇Meeting with Someone 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:动物和国家Animals and Countries 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:野生动物园Wildlife Sanctuary 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:大牌明星Superstars 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:电影分类Different Movies 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:谈论爱情Love 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:恋爱故事Love Stories 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:四季和天气Seasons and Weather 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:外星人UFO 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:酷暑The Heat 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:情人节Valentine's Day 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:城市变迁Changes 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:比赛Competitions 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:体育明星Sports Stars 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:你迷上她了You've got a crush on her 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:白领运动Sports For White-collar Workers 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:慢跑Jogging 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:运运动交友Workout Buddies 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:运动受伤Sports Injuries 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:办理健身卡Membership Cards 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:健身器械Fitness Equipment 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:健康与节食Health And Diet 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:瑜伽Yoga 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:背包客Back-packers 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:集邮Stamp Collection 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:电影 Movies 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:报亭轶事Anecdotes of the Newsstand 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:免费赠品 Free Gifts 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:地铁艺术 Art in the Subway 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:新邻居 New Neighbor 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:国家和城市 Countries and Cities 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:移动电视 Mobile Television 2017-11-22
 *口语交际:冬奥会 Winter Olympics 2017-11-22