相信有志来美或已经来美的护士JM都能懂下文的意思,偶就不献丑翻译了。值得注意的是,美国很多行业很注重team work,nursing也不例外,在面试时,经常会被问,你和同事关系如何?发生矛盾如何处理?你的同事如何评价你等等,此类都属于“behavior question”,要想在美国找到好工作,如何应对此类问题是必须掌握的面试技巧,希望大家都能找到好工作!
Many employers are now doing "behavioral interviews". Rather than focusing on your resume and reviewing your accomplishments as you have written them on paper, the "behavioral" interviewer will ask you open-ended questions that will cause you to describe real circumstances and your responses to them.
General answers about behavior are not what the employer is looking for. You must describe in deeply。 Successfully Answer Behavioral Questions in Your Job Interview 。
Interview Questions:
Tell me about yourself
Why did you become a nurse?
How many years of experience do you have?
Where did you get your training?
What certifications do you have?
How long has it been since you worked in (ER, OR, ICU or
particular specialty area)?
What are your strengths?
What is your greatest weakness?
How do you handle stress?
Why did you choose (ER, OR, ICU, LTC, FNP, or other specialty area of nursing)?
What do you like to do in your free time?
What do you know about our hospital?
What do you know about our community?
Why would you like to work for us?
Describe your perfect job.
What is most important to you in a job?
What would you like to be doing in five years?
Have you ever been fired or asked to resign?
Would you have any concerns if we did a background check on you?
What would we find if we did a background check?
Why did you leave your last job?
What have you been doing since you’ve been out of work?
Are you prepared to relocate?
What kind of recommendations will you get from previous employers?
Describe your relationship with your last three managers or administrators.
What qualities do you admire most in people?
What kind of managers do you like the most? The least? Why?
Tell me about a time in which you had to handle an irate physician, co-worker, or patient. How did you handle it and what were the results.
What are your most important career accomplishments?
Describe a difficult decision you’ve made and the process you went through to reach that decision.
Why should I hire you?
What can you offer us that someone else can’t?
How long would you stay if we offered you this postion?
What nursing organizations do you belong to?
What journals do you read?
How do you stay current in your practice?