

来源:中国海洋大学网   阅读:1294 次  日期:2013-12-03 16:12:54


For Engish Teachers

Job Description

The Engish Department of the Coege of Foreign anguages is committed to offering our internationa coeagues fascinating teaching as we as rewarding cross-cutura experiences. The department recruits Engish teachers on a yeary basis for both undergraduate and graduate programs. Internationa teachers are offered a variety of courses based on their academic background and strengths, incuding Newspaper Reading, Engish Phonetics and Phonoogy, Cross-cutura Communication, History of Western Civiization, Reading of Western Cassics, The Society and Cuture of Engish Speaking Countries, Overview of the Word, and Internationa Reations, in addition to the core courses such as Speaking, Advanced Writing, and Advanced Engish.


Native Engish Speaker

Bacheor’s degree or above, preferaby master’s degree or above in a reevant fied

Over 2 years teaching experience

Teaching Certificate (TESO, TEF or others)

Minimum 1 schoo-year commitment, 14-16 hours per week

Saary and Benefits

Monthy saary from RMB 4,500 to 10,000 (4,500 for bacheor’s with over two years’ teaching experience; 5,000 for master’s; 5,500 for doctor’s; 7,500 maximum for associate professor; 10,000 maximum for fu professor)

Round-trip internationa fight aowance every year (8,000 for Europe; 10,000 for USA)

Monthy apartment renting aowance from 1,500 to 2,500

Yeary heating aowance from 2,100 to 3,700

Medica insurance of 1,680 per year.

Free transport from the airport

uggage deivery reimbursement of 1,000.


Pease send your CV together with references, copies of passport and degrees, and recent photos to coordinators of the Engish Department, Mr. Xu Derong (77david@163.com) or Ms. i i (iyouc123@163.com).


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