

来源:北京大学网   阅读:1279 次  日期:2012-12-07 10:17:29


IACMR recruiting Project Manager

The International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) is an academic organization that serves scholars, students, managers, and consultants who are interested in advancing their knowledge about organizational management in the Chinese context. The primary goal of the association is to promote organization and management research in such a context. The Association was founded in 2002, and registered in the U.S. as a not-for-profit organization (501(c)3). Since then, the Association has experienced rapid growth with the support of our members and sponsors. We have now over 6,000 registered members all over the world, from almost 100 countries. IACMR has been recognized asthe most authoritative, world-class academic research organization in the area of Chinese management.

International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR) is recruiting a Project Manager at the Beijing office in Guanghua School of Management, Peking University.

Job Responsibilities:

· Event plan and organization: biennial conferences, biannual workshops, networking events and seminars;

· IACMR membership promotion and development: promotion presentations and meetings; promotional literature production;

· Website maintenance with assistance from an IT engineer: content posting and updating.

Desirable skills:

· Educational qualification: Bachelor's degree and/or above;

· Strong project management and organization skills;

· knowledge of website and internet;

· strong written and oral communication in both English and Chinese;

· interpersonal and team skills, and strong learning orientation.

· Work experience: at least three years of professional work experience in a primarily English language working environment; working experience in project management is desirable and preferable.

Qualified applicants should send in the CV and a copy of personal photo to HR@gsm.pku.edu.cn before Dec. 30, 2012




· 负责大型年会、研讨会及各类活动的计划、组织及落实;

· 协助执行总监推广、发展学会会员项目,包括组织宣讲活动、设计制作宣传材料;

· 更新、维护网站相关内容。

申请条件如下 (不符合要求者请不要寄发简历):

● 大学本科或以上学历;

● 具有三年以上在大型公司或组织中从事会议组织、项目管理经历;

● 具有出色的项目管理和协调能力,良好的时间管理能力;

● 有网络维护、管理技能;

● 具有较强的人际沟通能力,善于和各个层次的人员建立联系,并具有团队合作精神;

● 在中英文方面都具有较强的写作和口头表达能力;

● 工作认真负责、积极主动、自我激励,能承受工作压力。



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