
vbsTree VBS脚本模拟tree命令

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Const Unit4Size = "字节KBMBGB"

Const OutFile = "OutTree.txt"

Dim theApp,SelPath,TreePath,TreeStr

Set theApp = CreateObject("Shell.Application")

Set SelPath = theApp.BrowseForFolder(0,"请选择需要列出子项目的路径",0)

If SelPath Is Nothing Then WScript.Quit

TreePath = SelPath.items.Item.Path

Set SelPathPath = Nothing

Set theApp = Nothing

Dim objFSO

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

TreeStr = TreePath & FormatSize(objFSO.GetFolder(TreePath).Size) & vbCrLf

Tree TreePath,""

Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(OutFile,True)

objFile.Write TreeStr


Set objFile = Nothing

Set objFSO = Nothing

MsgBox "查看当前目录下的OutTree.txt",vbInformation,"完成 - vbsTree"

Sub Tree(Path,SFSpace)

Dim i,TempStr,FlSpace

FlSpace = SFSpace & " "

Set CrntFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Path)

i = 0:TempStr = "├─"

For Each ConFile In CrntFolder.Files

i = i + 1

If i = CrntFolder.Files.Count And CrntFolder.SubFolders.Count = 0 Then TempStr = "└─"

TreeStr = TreeStr & FlSpace & Tempstr & ConFile.name & FormatSize(ConFile.size) & vbCrLf


i = 0:TempStr = "├─"

For Each SubFolder In CrntFolder.SubFolders

i = i + 1

If i = CrntFolder.SubFolders.Count Then

TempStr = "└─"

SFSpace = FlSpace & " "


SFSpace = FlSpace & "│"

End If

TreeStr = TreeStr & FlSpace & TempStr & SubFolder.name & FormatSize(SubFolder.size) & vbCrLf

Tree SubFolder,(SFSpace)


End Sub

Function FormatSize(SZ)

Dim i

Do While SZ > 1024

i = i + 1

SZ = SZ \ 1024


FormatSize = " (" & SZ & Mid(Unit4Size,1 + 2 * i,2) & ")"

End Function






Const Unit4Size = "字节KBMBGB"

Const OutFile = "OutTree.txt"

Dim TreePath,TreeStr,WS

Set WS = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell")

TreePath = BFF("请选择需要列出子项目的路径",&H0001 + &H0008 + &H0010,"")

Set WS = Nothing

If Len(TreePath) = 0 Then WScript.Quit

If Len(TreePath) <= 3 Then MsgBox "无法处理根目录!",64,"提示":WScript.Quit

Dim objFSO

Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

TreeStr = TreePath & FormatSize(objFSO.GetFolder(TreePath).Size) & vbCrLf

Tree TreePath,""

Set objFile = objFSO.CreateTextFile(OutFile,True)

objFile.Write TreeStr


Set objFile = Nothing

Set objFSO = Nothing

MsgBox "查看当前目录下的OutTree.txt",vbInformation,"完成 - vbsTree"

Sub Tree(Path,SFSpace)

Dim i,TempStr,FlSpace

FlSpace = SFSpace & " "

Set CrntFolder = objFSO.GetFolder(Path)

i = 0:TempStr = "├─"

For Each ConFile In CrntFolder.Files

i = i + 1

If i = CrntFolder.Files.Count And CrntFolder.SubFolders.Count = 0 Then TempStr = "└─"

TreeStr = TreeStr & FlSpace & Tempstr & ConFile.name & FormatSize(ConFile.size) & vbCrLf


i = 0:TempStr = "├─"

For Each SubFolder In CrntFolder.SubFolders

i = i + 1

If i = CrntFolder.SubFolders.Count Then

TempStr = "└─"

SFSpace = FlSpace & " "


SFSpace = FlSpace & "│"

End If

TreeStr = TreeStr & FlSpace & TempStr & SubFolder.name & FormatSize(SubFolder.size) & vbCrLf

Tree SubFolder,(SFSpace)


End Sub

Function FormatSize(SZ)

Dim i

Do While SZ > 1024

i = i + 1

SZ = SZ \ 1024


FormatSize = " (" & SZ & Mid(Unit4Size,1 + 2 * i,2) & ")"

End Function

Function BFF(title, flag, dir)

On Error Resume Next

Dim oShell, oItem, oStr

Set oShell = WScript.CreateObject("Shell.Application")

Set oItem = oShell.BrowseForFolder(&H0, title, flag, dir)

oStr = oItem.Title

If Err <> 0 Then

Set oShell = Nothing

Set oItem = Nothing

Exit Function

End If

If InStr(oStr, ":") Then

BFF = mid(oStr,InStr(oStr, ":")-1, 2)


Select Case oStr

Case "桌面"

BFF = WS.SpecialFolders("Desktop")

Case "我的文档"

BFF = WS.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments")

Case "我的电脑"

MsgBox "无效目录!",64,"提示":WScript.Quit

Case "网上邻居"

MsgBox "无效目录!",64,"提示":WScript.Quit

Case Else

BFF = oItem.ParentFolder.ParseName(oItem.Title).Path

End Select

End If

Set oShell = Nothing

Set oItem = Nothing

If Right(BFF,1)<> "\" Then

BFF = BFF & "\"

End If

On Error GoTo 0

End Function

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