

来源:福建医科大学网   阅读:881 次  日期:2016-03-29 10:51:50







1 登陆汉语考试服务网 网址:www.chinesetest.cn
2 注册用户 注册成为汉语考试服务网用户,记住你的用户名(邮箱)和密码。
3 考试报名 选择考试级别、考试形式(纸笔考试)、考点(福建医科大学)和考试时间(2016年6月12日)。
4 填写个人信息 填写你的姓名(与证件一致)、性别、出生日期、国籍、证件信息等,注意信息的真实性和完整性。
5 上传照片 照片要求:近期免冠、正面、两寸证件照,不得使用风景照、生活照,以白色背景为佳。在中国大陆地区考点报名参加考试的考生,须提交电子照片,如未上传照片或上传照片不符合要求的,将不能进入考场参加考试。
6 确认注册信息 核实信息无误后,选择“确认并提交”。
7 支付考试费 请在报名截止前完成交费,否则报名无效。考试费支付成功以后,不可以取消考试。考生可直接进行在线支付。
8 获得报名确认 完成报名交费并填写有效Email信箱的考生,在考生前10天会收到报名确认。未收到的请联系报名考点。
9 打印准考证 登陆汉语考试服务网自行打印准考证。考试当天必须携带准考证及身份证件原件。



Registration forHSK test on June. 12th, 2016 is opened

Fujian Medical University HSK test center will organize HSK tests(paper-based) from HSK-Level 3 to HSK-Level 6 on June. 12th,2016. Online registration will be opened from Mar. 23rd, 2016. Testtakers can log into the Chinese testing service website to sign up for thetest.

Registration time: Mar. 23rd to May. 13th of 2016

Contact: Liu Laoshi

Office Phone: 0591-22862170

Registration steps are as following:

1 Log into the website Website: www.chinesetest.cn
2 User registration Register to become a user of the Chinese testing service website, and remember your user name (mailbox) and password.
3 Test registration Select the test level, form (paper-based), test center (Fujian Medical University) and date (June. 12th, 2016).
4 Fill in your personal information Fill in your name (identical with your identity certificate), gender, date of birth, nationality, information of your identity certificate, etc. Please ensure authenticity and integrity of the information.
5 Upload a photo Photo requirement: Test takers’ recent photo for identification (in a standard, two-inch form), and photos of daily life or landscape will not be accepted; it’s best to upload a photo with white background. Test takers who register and choose to take the test at test centers in mainland China are required to submit an electronic photo. If no photo has been uploaded or the uploaded one does not meet the requirements, test takers will not be admitted to take the test.
6 Confirm the registration information After verifying the information, select “Confirm and Submit”.
7 Pay the test fee Please complete the payment before the registration deadline; otherwise the registration is invalid. After you have successfully paid the test fee, the test cannot be cancelled. Test takers can directly pay online.
8 Receive the test registration confirmation Test takers who have completed the registration and payment, and have filled in a valid E-mail address, will receive a registration confirmation 10 days before the test. If no confirmation is received, please contact the test center.
9 Print the test admission Log into the Chinese testing service website and print out your test admission ticket. On the test date, you must bring and present your test admission ticket and identity certificate.

Overseas EducationCollege

Fujian Medical University

March 23, 2016

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