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 *口语交际:他经常暗箭伤人 He hits below the belt 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:Lucy是一个交际花 Lucy is known as a social butterfl 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:你居然迷信起星相学来了So you believe in astrology? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:这有点太极端了吧 That's a bit extreme 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:景色太好了 What a beautiful view! 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:他是个难对付的家伙 He is a hard nut to crack 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:圆滑世故 All things to all men 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:自我介绍1 I'm Jason 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我是玛丽·詹森 My name is Mary Jenson 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我是罗宾 I'm Robin 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:这儿不让停车 Parking is not allowed here 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:豪华客车旅游 Luxury coach traveling 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:海滨之行 Seaside trip 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:他是个缺心眼的人 He's an apple-head 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:他是个阴险的人 He is a sly dog 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:她不会得罪老板的 She cannot get in Dutch with him 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我觉得有点猫腻 I smell some rat in it 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:他是个马屁精 He is such an apple polisher 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:外面正在下雨 It\'s raining outside 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:天气很好但很热 It's beautiful but very hot 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我喜欢这样的天气 I love it when the weather is like t 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:好几年没看到你了 I haven\'t seen you for ages 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:你看上去比以前更漂亮了 You look prettier than before 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:谈论四季 Talking about seasons 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:你最喜欢哪个季节?Which season do you like best? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我最不喜欢夏天 I dislike summer most 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:早上好 Good morning 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:要下雨了 It's going to rain 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:小镇许多街道都太窄 Many roads are very narrow 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:发上了什么事?What happened? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我今晚有个约会 I have an appointment tonight 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:今天是愚人节 It's April Fool's Day 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:你是什么时候出生的 When were you born? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:那你喜欢什么电影?What kinds of moveis do you like? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我迷上了网聊I'm fascinated with net-chat 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:你经常上网吗? Do you often surf the Internet? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:网上发电子邮件 Sending E-mail through the Internet 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:谈论互联网 Talking about the Internet 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我迷上了恐怖片 I've been obsessed with horror films 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:中国的房价 China's property prices 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:她的身材那么好 She has such a sharp figure 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我就是感觉头晕 I just feel a little dizzy 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:你真的看起来好多了 You really look much better 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:就是有点累 Just a little tired 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我去纽约参加了个婚礼 I was in New York for a wedding 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:今天难道是情人节? Is it Valentine's Day? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:下班见 I\'ll see you after work 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我得赶紧走了 I had better head off 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:这是情人节的礼物 It's a gift for Valentine's Day 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:你干嘛这么猜忌啊? Why are you so jealous? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:好久没见到你了 I haven't seen you for ages 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:这些天你都忙什么了? What are you doing these days? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:怎么不买个大点的房子? Why not buy a big house? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:你写完作业了吗? Have you finished your homework? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我电脑里所有的数据都丢了I've lost all my files 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:你生日准备怎样过?What do you plan to do for your birt 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:周日去看电影好不好?How about a movie on Sunday? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:上不了网我都快疯了 No internet access is killing me 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:让我把你介绍给他 Let me introduce you to him 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:Addiction to the overflow of information对泛滥的信 2017-11-16