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 *口语交际:你介意我在这里抽烟吗?Would you mind if I smoke here? 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:怎么样才能禁烟?What can be done to stop smoking? 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:你抽烟吗?Are you a smoker? 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:你最好戒烟You’d better give up smoking 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:禁烟的法律 a law banning cigarettes 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:你住在这附近吗?Do you live in this neighborhood? 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:一切无恙What's chilling? 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:他们确定婚礼的日期了吗? 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:弗兰克要结婚了 Frank’s getting married 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:我们打算明年五月结婚We planned our wedding for next May 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:这周末准备做什么?What are you going to do this weeken 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:这是美式幽默 It's American humor 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:我可以去她家吗?Can I go to her house? 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:给玛丽介绍新朋友Introducing friends to Mary 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:只有五个工作日There are only five working days 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:伦敦和上海 Shanghai&London 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:美国人喜欢情景喜剧 Americans love sitcoms 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:给我搞几个签名Get me some autographs 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:我昨天去看了乒乓球比赛 I went to the table tennis yester 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:你可能感冒了Maybe you’ve caught a cold 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:你以前去过上海吗?Have you been to Shanghai before? 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:我5年前就结婚了 I got married five years ago 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:我在上班路上摔了一跤I fell over on the way to work 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:他现在改过自新了 He has mended his way 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:那太残忍了It is too fierce 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:每个国家都得面对历史 Every country should face the hist 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:吉姆会成为一个好律师的Jim will be a good lawyer 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:你的周末过得好吗?Did you have a good weekend? 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:开着收音机你能学习吗? Can you study with the radio on? 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:他长什么样儿?What does he look like? 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:我喜欢这孩子I like the kid 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:她体形怎么样?What's her figure? 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:他经常撒谎 He\'s a liar 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:托尼穿那件衣服很英俊Tony looks very handsome in the sui 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:你觉得你的老师怎么样?What do you think of your teacher? 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:他们搬到芝加哥去了 They have moved to Chicago 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:他爷爷的钱又不是他的His grandfather's money is not his 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:鲍勃很受女孩青睐Bob is very popular among girls 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:他做会计肯定很有经验He must be an experienced accountan 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:她是职业登山运动员 She's a professional climber 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:他喜欢那个金发女郎 He loves that blonde girl 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:乔治去过瑞士两次George has been to Switzerland twice 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:我很同情那位老人 I feel pity for the old man 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:我非常同情你I'm dreadfully sorry for you 2017-11-17
 *口语交际:我希望还有机会 I hope I still have chances 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:新的音乐厅有一场音乐会There is a concert at the new hall 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:你去音乐会了吗? Did you go to the concert? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:你最近看过电影没?Have you been to the cinema recently 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:充足的时间购物和观光 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:纽约的天气怎么样? What's the weather like in New York 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我们正计划旅行 We're making plans for a tour 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:旅行预算清单 Traveling financial budget 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我对这类电影没兴趣 I've no interest in such films 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:别太挑剔了Don't be too critical 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:哪个角色演得最好?Whose part is best played? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:谈论朱莉娅·罗伯茨Talking about Julia Roberts 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:我不喜欢这个故事 I don't like the story 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:你喜欢这部电影吗?Did you enjoy the movie? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:你为什么看了两边这个电影?Why you saw the movie twice? 2017-11-16
 *口语交际:这部电影是根据小说改编的The film was after a novel 2017-11-16