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 *口语交际:船头对话 Conversations at the boat 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:爱情誓言 Love promises 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:你认为爱是什么?What do you think love is? 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:海水疗法 Sea water treatments 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:我感觉整个人焕然一新了 I feel transformed 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:我们去晒晒太阳吧 Let's go and get a suntan 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:结婚纪念日快乐 Happy anniversary 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:周末计划 The weekend plans 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:中国乒乓球队成功的秘诀 Secrets to China's success 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:谈论最喜欢的NBA明星 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:你可以好好的享受日光浴 You can get a good sun-tan there 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:你用什么做饵?What are you using for bait? 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:钓鱼今天鱼上钩了吗? Are the fish biting today? 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:谈论足球明星贝克汉姆 Talking about David Beckham 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:找工作与结婚 Finding a job and getting married 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:他们不是中年人了 They are not middle-aged 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:去博物馆 Going to the museum 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:谈论足球比赛 Talking about football match 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:谈论世界杯比赛 Talking about the World Cup 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:我要离开你 I am turn away 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:去农场 Going to a farm 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:去书店 Going to a bookstore 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:去糖果店 Going to the candy shop 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:你是怎么看吸烟的?What do you think of smoking? 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:禁止人们吸烟 Discouraging people from smoking 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:你抽烟吗? Are you a smoker? 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:我已经决定戒烟了 I've decided to give up smoking 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:玛丽和汤姆正在闹离婚 Mary and Tom are breaking up 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:打听女孩的情况 Asking information about the girl 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:你可以借我50美元吗? Can you lend me fifty bucks? 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:我妈昨天把工作给丢了 My mum lost her job yesterday 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:姑娘们一般都喜欢养宠物 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:你认识他妹妹吗? Do you know his sister? 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:明天就是发薪日 Tomorrow's payday 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:她的头发是什么颜色的? What colour is her hair? 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:你知道洪金宝是谁吗? Do you know who Sammo Hung is? 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:谈论明星成龙 Talking about Jackie Chan 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:谈论好莱坞 Talking about Hollywood 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:Interviewing a movie star 采访电影明星 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:美丽的女孩 A beautiful girl 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:我们是在一个舞会上遇到的 We met at a dance party 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:Super Junior的演唱会 Super Junior's concert 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:浪漫的邂逅 A romantic meeting 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:爱情魔药 A magic love potion 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:你是不是已经陷入情网了?Have you fallen in love? 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:甜蜜的电话 sweet words on the phone 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:电视和网络 Television and Internet 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:我收看了一个科学节目 I saw a science program 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:媒体的可靠性 The reliability of media 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:你今天还是很忙吗? Are you still busy today? 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:打电话告别 Calling to say goodbye 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:一些日常工作 Some routine job 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:你最大的爱好是什么?What's your favorite hobby? 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:我喜欢去咖啡屋 I like to go to a cafe 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:谈论家人 Talking about the family 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:转学原因I transferred from PCC 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:转学原因what made you transfer 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:转学原因why did you transfer 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:新学校You must be mew 2017-11-13
 *口语交际:你准备好转学了吗Are you ready to transfer 2017-11-13