

来源:易贤网   阅读:1396 次  日期:2017-12-06 14:46:39


If you compare yourself to certain people, it's easy to feel you're unsuccessful. If you're an entrepreneur and you compare yourself to Richard Branson, you lose.

如果你拿自己跟别人比较,你很容易会认为自己并不成功。如果你是一名企业家,然后你跟Richard Branson相比,你输了。

If you're a musician and you compare yourself to Taylor Swift (especially if the point of comparison is earnings), you lose.

如果你是一位音乐家,你跟Taylor Swift相比(尤其是比收入),你输了。

If your goal is to change the world and you compare yourself to Steve Jobs ... you lose.

如果你的目标是改变世界,然后跟Steve Jobs相比……你又输了。

That's the problem with comparisons. No matter how successful you feel, there will always be someone who is more successful. There will always someone better, or smarter, or wealthier, or seemingly more happy.


So let's stop comparing and just focus on you. Here are a few signs that you're more successful than you might think — and, in all likelihood, happier too:


1. You have enough money that you can make positive choices.


If you make enough money, and don't spend so much money, that you can make positive choices about what to do with some of it — whether it's investing, or taking a vacation, or taking classes ... anything you want to do instead of have to do — then you're successful, both because you've escaped the paycheck-to-paycheck grind and because you can leverage that extra money to become even more successful.


2. You have close friends

2. 你有亲密的朋友

Close friendship are increasingly rare; one study found that the number of friends respondents felt they could discuss important matters with has dropped from an average of 2.94 to 2.08 in the last 20 years. If you have more than two or three close friends, be glad, not only for the social connection but also because the positive effect of relationships on your life span is double what you get from exercising and just as powerful as quitting smoking.


And where professional relationships are concerned ...


3. You choose the people around you


Some people have employees who drive them nuts. Some people have customers who are obnoxious. Some people have casual acquaintances who are selfish, all-about-me jerks.


Guess what: They chose those people. Those people are in their professional or personal lives because they let them remain.


Successful people attract successful people. Hardworking people attract hardworking people. Kind people associate with kind people. Great employees want to work for great bosses.


If the people around you are people you want to be around you ... you're successful. (And if they're not, it's time to start making some changes.)


4. You see failure as training


Failure sucks, but it's also the best way to learn and grow. There will always be trials, challenges, and obstacles — but perseverance always wins in the end.


5. You don't ask for anything


People who feel successful aren't needy. They accept help if offered, but they don't feel the need to ask. In fact, they focus on what they can do for other people.


6. You let others grab the spotlight


If you aren't looking for praise or accolades, that means you're successful. That means you feel proud on the inside, where it counts. You don't need the glory; you know what you've achieved.


If you enjoy the validation of others but don't need the validation of others, you're successful.


And you know it ... even if you don't show it.


7. You have a purpose


Successful people have a purpose. As a result, they're excited, dedicated, passionate, and fearless.


And they share their passions with others.


If you're found a purpose — if you've found something that inspires you, fuels you, makes you excited to get up, get out, and achieve — then you're successful, regardless of how much money you make or what other people think.


Why? Because you're living life your way — and that's the best sign of success there is.


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