

来源:易贤网   阅读:1479 次  日期:2017-12-04 16:22:15


10. Actors and Comedians


When times are uncertain, artists thrive. The unusual nature of his presidency will inspire endless entertainment. SNL has had unsurmounted success with this election, and the door is open for comedy shows, reality segments, and movies. People feel a common ground when it comes to entertainment, and the divided nation can also come together around a good movie and good bowl of popcorn.


9. Bars and Bartenders

9. 酒吧、酒保/调酒师

When times get tough, people get drinking. Many expect an economic recession under a Trump presidency, and people will be turning to good old alcohol for a quick escape. It’s also important to note that historically, alcohol is pretty recession-proof!


8. Cyber Security Professionals

8. 网络安全专家

During a speech, when Trump was asked about cyber security, he remarked that his 10 year old son could do that. Given that notion, it’s fair to say the future commander in chief has limited knowledge on the complexity, scope, and importance of cyber security. The issue of hacked emails caused the perceived President to be the job itself, so the role of cyber security will continue to grow as fast as Internet usage itself.


7. Mental Health Professionals and Psychologists

7. 心理健康专业和心理学家

Trump’s campaign that hurt or ridiculed women, alternate forms of religion, and the mentally ill – can cause a dangerous trend of rhetoric that can affect everyone with mental health issues that may need professional help to be treated. This unsympathetic way of speaking will cause an influx in therapy visits as well as mental health services.


6. Law Enforcement, Police Work, And Private Security

6. 执法人员、警力资源、私人保安

Trump has noted numerous times that he would like to increase spending on police forces. His tough outlook on crime and his romanticism of the police state will create many jobs in the field. His focus on immigration and drug laws will require many new police factors and increases agencies. Additionally, there are those companies or institutions that may hire more private security to keep locations safer. Security careers are a very good choice for those looking to start simple without delving head first into law enforcement.


5. Civil Liberties Lawyers And Paralegal Degrees

5. 民权律师和律师助理

Trump definitely plays the gray area when it comes to civil liberties. Civil rights and constitutional lawyers will have their hands full if Trump looks to follow through on his claims to evoke citizenship from those who flag burn. He also has flirted with free speech rights. If this presidency proves to be like his campaign, lawyers will be incredibly busy and that’s a good thing!


4. Non-Profit Careers

4. 非盈利性工作

The President-elect has listed endless welfare and government benefits he would cut under a Trump presidency. His chosen VP, is a strong opponent of Planned Parenthood and could end the its support as well as other partially state funded works. The non-profit will require talented individuals to lead the way.

川普扬言要大幅削减社会福利,而川普的副总统也是PP的坚定反对者(编者注:PP,全称为Planned Parenthood,是美国一个类似“计划生育”的非营利组织,旨在微女性提供各种身体检查,避孕与堕胎等相关服务,每年接待女性超过200万)。川普上台后,很有可能取消对相关机构的补贴。没了政府补贴,非盈利机构以后只能靠自己了,所以更需要大量的人才。

3. Construction Worker Careers

3. 建筑工人

A harsh critic of overseas labor and its benefits, Trump has taken an isolationist policy to America. The country could re enter an industrial phase with factories coming to America, and would lead to the creation of many construction jobs. This is one of the major fields where government spending can help this career path.


2. Journalism And Investigative Reporting Careers

2. 媒体记者、调查报导人员

The corruption and horrific inaccuracy of the election paved the way to elect Trump. We need journalists who will cover the truth and check the government, and we need people to read and inform themselves beyond paid advertisements. Joining a good college degree program can lead to come great offers from news outlets looking for the best and most creative journalists out there, during a time when people need real news the most.


1. Military Service

1. 军人

Trump has noted numerous times that the rest of the world views America as “weak”, and his presidency would mean an even stronger military presence. With a fully Republican and corporate backed cabinet set in place, world domination is the name of the game. Women in the military can serve great purpose while also gaining great real world and leadership experience. The military also doesn’t require much experience to join. A career in the military could be very lucrative given our current global situation.


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