
生活口语:宿管来查房啦 What are you doing here

来源:易贤网   阅读:955 次  日期:2017-08-31 08:59:11

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A:Who is it?是谁?

B:Supervisor. Open the door.宿管。开门。

A:Wait a sec.请稍等。

B:What are you doing here?你们在这里做什么?

A:We're watching a football match. What's the matter?我们在看足球比赛。怎么啦?

B:Your neighbors complained that you were so noisy that they can't sleep.你们邻居投诉说你们吵到他们不能睡觉。

A:I'm sorry about this.我为这件事道歉。

B:Please turn down the TV. And not another shout or I'll have to report you to the school administration.请把电视机音量关小点。不许再喊叫,否则我会报告到学校行政部门那里去。

A:You can rest assured that we won't disturb others anymore.你放心,我们不会再打扰到其他人。

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