
生活口语:喜欢喝酒 Drinking

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A:I remember you said that you like China because it has cheap beers.我记得你说过你喜欢中国因为它有便宜的啤酒。

B:Yes, unbelievably cheap. Carlsberg is less than $1.是的,难以置信地便宜。嘉士伯少于1美元。

A:Why do you drink? I mean, where does drinking get you?你为什么要喝酒?我是指,喝酒能带给你什么?

B:It's fashionable.喝酒很时尚。

A:Come on, you don't even know that blinds following is a sign of immaturity.得了吧,你不知道盲从是不成熟的表现吗?

B:Mary, it's not about the blind following. What matter is I enjoy in drinking. It's like when you get off of work. You're so tired. You need to get relaxed. You can't just turn on the TV and keep watch the programs until you fall asleep. You need to make your after work time more fun.玛丽,那不是盲从。重点在于我享受喝酒。就像你下班时,你觉得非常累,你需要放松。你不能只是打开电视机,然后一直到看节目直到你睡着。你要把你的下班时间变得更有趣。

A:How? By drinking?怎样?通过喝酒吗?

B:Drinking is just part of it. I mean, you have a bunch of friends coming by and having fun. You drink and talk. And the more you drink, the more you talk. It makes me so relaxed.喝酒只是一部分。我是指,你有一大群朋友过来玩。你们喝酒,聊天。你喝得越多,说得越多。这让我很轻松。

A:When did you begin to drink?你什么时候开始喝酒?

B:It's a long time ago. When I first went to a bar to pick up girls there, I saw the most beautiful girl sitting and sipping a coke. Then I went up to her and said' can I buy you a drink?'很久以前。当我第一次去酒吧那里结识女孩子,我看见一个最漂亮的女孩子坐在那里,一小口一小口喝着可乐。然后我走去她那里,说:“我可以给你买一杯酒吗?”

A:And then?然后呢?

B:Then I talked to her and got her number. You know what? When you don't know what to say? Just drink.然后我和她聊天并且拿到她的电话号码。你知道吗?当你不知道说什么的时候,就只是喝酒。

A:So you get drunk every day?所以你就天天喝醉?

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