

来源:易贤网   阅读:513 次  日期:2017-08-25 09:05:29


A:Hello, Jason, there is going to be a screening of Final Destination 3 at our campus cinema tomorrow. I plan to go to see it.杰森,你好,我听说明天晚上学校电影院放映"死神来了3",我想去看.

B:Is it a horror movie?这是恐怖电影吗?

A:Yeah, I love horror movies. Would you like to go with me tomorrow?是啊,我最喜欢恐怖电影.你想和我一起去吗?

B:No way. I will be scared out of my wits.打死也不去.我会被吓得魂飞魄散的,

A:That's funny, I didn't know a big fellow like you could be so soft and timid on the inside.老兄,没看出来啊,你胆子竟然这么小.

B:Hey, how would you like to taste my fist?嘿,你说什么呢?想尝尝我的拳头吗?

A:Alright, all joking aside, what kinds of moveis do you like?好啦,不开玩笑啦,那你喜欢什么电影?

B:Um, let me see, romance, comdedy. documentary, action, science fiction, animated and so on.哦,让我想想.爱情片,喜剧片,纪录片,动作片,科幻片,卡通片,等等.

A:That is to say, you like all genres except for horror movies.总而言之,除了恐怖片,其他你都喜欢,

B:Yeah. It seems like we don't speak the same language as far as movies are concerned.是的.看起来在电影方面我们达不成共识了.

A:Not quite. I also greatly enjoy romance and comedy.也不是,我也很喜欢爱情片和喜剧片.

B:The Notebook is this type of movie."恋恋笔记本"就是这类的爱情喜剧片.

A:Really? I haven't heard of it.是吗?我怎么没听说过这部电影啊.

B:Well then, this could be a nice opportunity to enjoy it together. I bet you'd love it.那正好,你可以借此机会和我一起欣赏了,你肯定会喜欢的.

A:Ok. I can't wait to see it. Let's go!好吧,我都迫不及待了,咱走吧.

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