

来源:易贤网   阅读:557 次  日期:2017-08-24 09:22:25


A:Hi, Kate.嗨,凯特。

B:Hi, Don. What a surprise!嗨,唐。真是意想不到啊!

A:Yeah, I saw someone walking like you, but I wasn’t sure. We haven’t seen each other for how long? Almost three months? But you look quite different now.是啊,我看见有人走路像你,但我不敢肯定。我们多久没见面了?差不多三个月吧?但是现在你看起来很不同了。

B:Have you noticed what has changed?你注意到了有什么变化没有?

A:Oh, you look quite slender and more vivacious. What have you been taking? Are you on a diet?哦,你看起来苗条多了,也精神多了。你在服什么?你在减肥吗?

B:Yes. I’m on a diet, but I’ve not taken anything. I just eat less and exercise more. And it really worked in the past three months. I’ve lost twelve pounds.是。我在减肥,但是没有服任何东西。我只是吃得少,多做运动。而在过去的三个月里真的生效了。我减了十二英磅。

A:Wow! That’s great. I sincerely want to achieve my weight loss goals, but it’s difficult for me to keep up the exercise. Also you know, old habits are hard to break.哇!那太好了。我真想实现我的减肥计划,但是我很难坚持运动。而且你知道的,老习惯很难改。

B:What kind of exercise do you think I do? I just go to dance everyday after work. I’m taking an amateur dance class. I dance two hours everyday.你认为我做什么运动?我只是每天下班后去跳舞。我在上一个业余舞蹈课。我每天跳两个小时。

A:Dance? You only go dancing? That’s not hard. I can do that.跳舞?你只是去跳舞?那不难。我可以做。

B:Sure. Join my class next week.那当然。下周来我们班吧。

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