
生活口语:退伍军人节Veteran’s Day

来源:易贤网   阅读:690 次  日期:2017-08-24 08:59:04

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A:Do you have any plans for Veteran’s Day?你打算怎么过退伍军人节?

B:You mean Armistice Day.你是说休战日.

A:Well, as you know, on November 11th the allies signed a peace treaty with the Germans, also known as the Armistice Treaty. This marked the end of WWI and many countries around the world commemorate this date under names such as Remembers’Day. In Poland it’s their independence day! There’s a lot going on around the world on this day.如你所知,11月11日盟军和德国签署了和平条约,史称为“休战日”,它标志着一战的结束,全世界很多国家都纪念这个日子,有的将之称为”纪念日“。在波兰,就是它的独立日。这天全世界都会举行很多纪念活动。

B:Wow, I didn’t know! Probably because I flunked history in school.我还真不知道,可能是因为上学时历史不及格。

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