

来源:易贤网   阅读:1551 次  日期:2017-08-03 09:38:12


17. 句子:

Transport the goods to the port, arrange for customs clearance, related documentation formalities and deliver the goods to the carrier.句中:

句子: Pay fees and other charges including freight.句中:

(1) fee (手续费):


例如: registration fee (注册费、登记费)

membership fee (会费)

(2) charge ("因服务而索取的"费用,与 free of charge 相对)含义中有"购买某种服务时按规定价目所支付的费用"

例如: collection charge (托收费)

delivery charge (递送费)

additional charge = surcharge (附加费)

fumigation charge (熏蒸费)

charges prepaid / charges forward (费用预付/费用到付)

(3) expense (花费,耗费,开销)


例如: medical expense (医药费)

living expense (生活费)

注意: 会计领域中使用这个词时,通常情况下以复数形式出现的机会较多.注意是通常情况:

例如: operating expenses (营业费用,经营费用)

travelling expenses (差旅费)

selling expense (销售费用,没有"s")

income taxes expense (所得税费用,没有"s")

(4) -age (费,资)

-age 是表示抽象名词的后缀.没有"费、资"的说法,但是下列这些词有"费、资"的解释:

例如: postage (邮资) carriage (运费) storage (仓库费)

句子: Arrange for transshipment en route if necessary.句中:transshipment:

(1) 前缀 "trans-" = to a changed state (转变、转移、转换)

例如: transport, transplant (移植)

(2) transhipment 的拼法是否正确呢? 严格地来说,并不正规.

例如: transshipment additional (转船附加费)

transshipment charge (转船费用)

port of transshipment (中转港)

19.2 en route:en route = on the way (在途中)

这是一个单词,外来语,并非是两个单词或词组, 后通常接"for、to、from"

例如: These containers were en route from shanghai to Los angeles.


Monitor the movement of goods all the way to the consignee through contacts with the carrier and the forwarders’ agents abroad.我们这样看就简单多了:

Monitor the movement of goods through contacts with the carrier.


21. 我们把两句句子连在一起看:

(1) Note damages or losses, if any, to the goods.

(2) Assist the consignor in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier

for loss of the goods or for damage to them.


damage = harm or injury that causes loss of value (有"失去价值"的含义)

例如: damage by fire (火损)

damage by water (水损)

damage certificate (残损证明书)

damage to the goods (注意介词搭配)

damaged goods (损坏了的货物)

goods damaged in transit (...中受损的货物)

loss: loss 这个词,词义很单纯, 解释"丧失,灭失",只是在字形上要把它和下列单词区分清楚:

lose (动词)

lost ( lose 的过去式, 过去分词, 或其他解释的形容词)

loss (名词, 注意它的用法: loss of the goods)

make/pursue a claim against sb for sth (就...向...提出赔偿):一提到 claim, 保险和法律的味道比较浓, pursue 还有 seek 的意思:

(1) 保险领域的"索赔": claim clause (索赔条款)

notice of claim (索赔通知)

(2) 法律领域的(根据权利所提出的)"要求":

claim for damage (要求损害赔偿)

The forwarders, on behalf of the consignee (importer), would:

Monitor the movement of good on behalf of the consignee when the consignee controls freight (支付运费), that is, the cargo.

Receive and check all relevant documents relating to the movement of the goods.

Take delivery of the goods from the carrier and, if necessary, pay the freight cost (支付运费).

Arrange customs clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the customs and other public authorities.

Arrange transit warehousing, if necessary.

Deliver the cleared goods to the consignee.

Assist the consignee, if necessary, in pursuing claims, if any, against the carrier for the loss of the goods or any damage to them.

Assist the consignee, if necessary, in warehousing and distribution.


Monitor the movement of good on behalf of the consignee when the consignee controls freight, that is, the cargo.句中:


(1) cargo = goods (尤其是指船、飞机、车辆所载的)货物,运输行业的用语.

例如: sepcial cargoes (特殊货物)

project cargoes (工程货物)

container cargo (集装箱货物)

general cargo (杂货、普通货物)

(2) goods 这个词与 passengers 相对应

例如: the shipment of goods (货物运输)

passenger transport (客运)

(3) commodity (生活必需品,在经济领域中解释的商品)

例如: household commodity (家庭用品)

commodity inspection (商品检验)

name of commodity = commodity name (品名)

(4) merchandise (销售、贸易领域中所指的商品、货物)

(5) article (它不象前面四个词那样的解释,即不是指商品或货物的总称,


例如: a bamboo article (竹器)

three articles of luggage (三件行李)

handmade articles (手工制品)


Arrange customs clearance and pay duties, fees and other charges to the customs and other public authorities.句中:

duty (税,税收)

customs duty (海关税)

excise duties (消费税)

stamp duties (印花税)

duty-free goods (免税商品)

authority 和 association

(1) authority 作为名词,而且以复数的形式出现时:

例如: the health authorities 解释"当局、权威机构"


(2) association 解释"社团、协会、学会、联盟"等

例如: China International Freight Forwarders Association(CIFA)International Federation of Feight Forwarders Association

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