

来源:易贤网   阅读:2033 次  日期:2017-07-31 09:04:49


Dongshan Lamb东山羊肉

Because of its unique characteristics, Dongshan lamb does not have the muttony smell of its northern counterparts. These animals spend a long time on mountain ranges leaping from place to place and thus are in excellent physical condition making their meat rich and nutritious. Each lamb weighs around 30-45 Kg and they have a short, squat stature due to their diet of Lingzhi mushrooms, Zhegu tea plants and other rare vegetation that covers the Dongshan mountains.

Because the Dongshang lamb nibble their food for a long time, soup made from their meat has a soft, dense flavour and no muttony smell. Since the time of the Song Dynasty (960-1279), Dongshan lamb has enjoyed a famous reputation and in feudal times was part of the tribute payable to the Emperor. The meat’s special characteristics are its golden yellow colour, pleasant appearance when served, its soft and high quality meat and mouthwatering flavour. These combine to make Dongshan lamb totally delicious.

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