

来源:易贤网   阅读:1272 次  日期:2017-07-24 09:00:18


One thing I've learned during my travels across Asia is to trust my taste buds.

Places can have all the majestic scenery and unique attractions they want, but if they don't have a single dish that I can become obsessed with during my stay, then it's not for me.

Harbin, with its glorious sausage, Russian-style steaks and ice cream, has certainly earned a place in my stomach's hall of fame.

During a recent visit, I enjoyed a variety of restaurants and eateries, and found I was loosening my belt in each one.

Ouluobaxi Canting, which loosely translates as "Western European-style Restaurant", is one of many offering a fusion of Russian and Chinese cuisines, many of which I was trying for the first time. A pear-shaped sorbet for starters, Harbin sausage wrapped in bacon for one of the main courses, and something I can best describe as egg-battered fish (forgive the descriptions; I'm more of an eater than a reviewer).

I was also taken by the city's habit of delivering three rounds of dessert: Cheesecake, fruit and a traditional variety of ice cream.

At the airport, parting was such sweet sorrow - especially as my carry-on luggage was stuffed with as much Harbin sausage as I could carry. Perhaps it is also why my colleagues were so unusually glad to see me back in the office.

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