
生活口语:美容保健Get a facial

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A:I'd like a facial.我想要做脸部按摩。

B:Which kind would you like? We have five different varities of facials.你想做哪种?我们有5种不同的脸部按摩。

A:Which would you recommend?你推荐那种?

B:Well, since it's summer, and I had looked that you had quite a bit sun, I'll recommend our summer special, it's specially suited for individuals with sensitive skin.好吧,既然是夏天,并且我看你晒过,我推荐你做假日特荐,尤其适合个体敏感的肌肤。

A:What does it inclued?都包括什么?

B:The facial will start with thorough cleansing.开始是净透清洁。

A:Does it include facial mask and massage?包括敷脸和按摩吗?

B:Yes, the reviving mask will promote blood circulation and tighten your skin. You can also choose to get hand or back massage as well.是的,修护面膜能促进血液循环、紧致肌肤。你也可以选择手部或者背部按摩。

A:Will it exfoliate the skin as well?也包括去角质吗?

B:Yes, we also apply a special day cream that protect the skin from the sun and the night cream that moisturize to the skin.是的,我们添加了一款特别的护肤霜,白天可以抵御日晒,夜间可以滋养保湿。

A:That sounds great.听起来棒极了。

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