
生活口语:你想买多大的平底锅 Buying a pan

来源:易贤网   阅读:801 次  日期:2017-07-01 09:32:18

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A:I'm looking for a pan I can use in my kitchen.我想买个在厨房里用的锅。

B:Is there any particular size that you want?你想要多大的锅?

A:I've already got a small pan. I need a big one.我已经有一个小的了,我想要一个大的。

B:Well, this one might work for you.嗯,这个也许对你比较合适。

A:Oh, no, that's way too heavy a pan for me.哦,不,这个对我来说太重了。

B:Here, lift this aluminum pan. It's the same size.这里有个铝制的,可以提起来试试看。这是一样大小的。

A:Yes, it's very lightweight. But I don't want this aluminum handle.是的。这个非常轻。但是我不想要这个铝制的把手。

B:Here's a similar aluminum pan. But it has a heat-resistant handle.给你类似的铝制的锅。但是把手是耐热的。

A:Oh, this feels very nice. It's perfect. I'll take it.哦,这个感觉不错。非常好。我就要这个了。

B:I knew we'd find the right pan sooner or later. How would you like to pay?我就知道你一定能找到满意的锅的。你想怎么支付?

A:Cash. But first, I need a lid for this pan.现金。但是首先,我需要一个盖子。

B:Oh, no problem. Here's the lid that comes with the pan.哦,没问题。给你这个和锅配套的盖子。

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