

来源:易贤网   阅读:2357 次  日期:2017-07-01 09:30:17


A:Hello, ma’am, can I help you find something?女士,您好,想买些什么?

B:Yes, actually I’m looking to buy a camera.事实上我想买个照相机。

A:We’ve got a wide selection do you know if you’d like a point-and-shoot, or something a little fancier? Are you shopping for yourself or for someone else?我们有很多产品供你选择,你是想要买自动照相机还是价格高昂的的相机?你是给自己买还是给别人买?

B:Actually I’m buying a camera for my husband.给我丈夫买。

A:Ah, well then I’d recommend a nice entry-level digital SLR.那我推荐这款入门级的数字单镜头反射式相机。

B:Yeah? Can I take a look at the SLRs you carry?我能看下你拿的单镜头反射式相机吗?

A:Sure thing, follow me. This here is the.当然可以,和我来,这就是。

B:The Canon Eos. Yeah it’s ok, but I’m looking for something that performs better in low light, has a better display panel, and longer battery life.佳能相机。它还可以,但是我在找这样的相机:它能在能见度较低的情况下拍摄效果好,有更好的显示板和更长的电池寿命。

A:Oh, ah, um the Nikon D60 is a nice option.尼康D60不错。

B:Yeah, but what kit lens does this camera come with? I don’t want some bulky telephoto lens.这款相机配套的镜头是什么样的?我不想要笨重的镜头。

A:Oh, well this one has the, uh.这款相机的镜头是……

B:Looks to me like an 18-55mm lens. pretty standard, that will do. Not like my husband will be stalking celebrities or anything!依我看是18-55毫米的镜头,很好,符合我的要求。我丈夫不会追逐名人或类似的事物。

A:So, ahem, can I interest you in any acc...我能说服你买……?

B:Accessories? Do you carry polarizing filters?买附件?你们带偏光镜吗?

A:Polarizing filter um we should! I’m sorry, ma’am. It looks like we’re sold out.我们应该带偏光镜。很抱歉,看起来我们已经卖完了。

B:No you’re not! There are some right here!没有,那边就有一些。

A:Oh, well, would you look at that! Polarizing filters.你可以看看。

B:Thanks for your help, Ralph!谢谢你的帮助,Ralph

A:No problem, ma’am.不谢。

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