
生活口语:我想买个书架 I’m looking for a bookcase

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A:Why are you reading the classifieds? What do you need?你为什么在看这些分类广告?你需要买什么?

B:I’m looking for a bookcase, but I don’t want to buy a new one.我想找个书架,但是我不想要一个新的。

A:Are you having any luck?有没有什么好运气?

B:Not really. There aren’t any used bookcases listed. But there are a few rummage sales on Saturday. I think I’ll go to them.还没有。这里没有列出任何旧书架。但是星期六有几个清仓大拍卖。我想去看看。

A:Do you mind if I go with you?你介意我和你一起去吗?

B:Not at all. These private sales are great places to bargain. And sometimes you can find terrific things among all the junk.一点都不。这些私人买卖很好去还价。而且有时候你可以在这些旧货中找到一些很好的东西。

A:I learned to negotiate9 from my mother. I thought I was pretty good at bargaining, but I had a problem the other day at Kimble’s Department Store.我从我妈妈那里学会了杀价。我原以为我很会讨价还价,但是不久前一天在金博商场,我就有过一点麻烦。

B:What happened?发生了什么事?

A:I wanted to buy a beautiful wool sweater for my girlfriend. It was priced at forty dollars, so I started by offering the salesclerk thirty.我想为我女朋友买件漂亮的羊毛衫。标价是四十美金,所以一开始,我就向售货员出价三十美金。

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