

来源:易贤网   阅读:850 次  日期:2017-06-09 09:17:42



Article 61 The state helps the enterprises to exploit the international market by way of providing information consultation services..


Article 62 The business operators that import or export goods may establish or join chambers of commerce for import and export so as to achieve self-disciplinary and coordination..


Article 63 The state encourages the enterprises to actively respond to the discriminatory antidumping, anti-subsidy or safeguard measures of foreign countries so as to protect the lawful rights and interests of the enterprises in normal trade.


Chapter VII Legal Liabilities


Article 64 Any one who imports or exports goods that are prohibited from import or export or imports or exports goods that are limited in importation or exportation without approval or permission shall be subject to investigation for assuming penal liabilities according to the provisions of the Criminal Law on smuggling;


if the activities are not serious enough for assuming criminal liabilities, they shall be punished according to the relevant provisions of the Customs Law, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..


Article 65 Any one who imports or exports goods that are limited in importation or exportation beyond the scopes approved or permitted shall be subject to investigation for assuming penal liabilities according to the provisions of the Criminal Law concerning the crime of smuggling or the crime of illegal management;


if the activities are not serious enough for assuming criminal liabilities, they shall be punished according to the relevant provisions of the Customs Law, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may suspend or even revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..


Article 66 Any one who counterfeits or alters or buys or sells certificates of import or export quotas, approval documents, licenses or automatic import licenses shall be subject to assume criminal liabilities according to the Criminal Law concerning the crime of illegal management or the crime of counterfeiting, altering, buying or selling official documents, certificates, seals of state organs;


if the activities are not serious enough for assuming criminal liabilities, they shall be punished according to the relevant provisions of the Customs Law, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..


Article 67 In case any business operator of import or export who obtains quotas for the import or export of goods, certification documents or automatic import licenses by deception or other unfair means, the quotas for the import or export of goods, certification documents or automatic import licenses shall be taken back, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may suspend or even revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..


Article 68 In case any one who violates the provisions of Article 51 of the present Regulation by engaging in the import or export of goods that are subject to state-run trade administration or designated management and thus disrupts the market order and if the circumstances are serious, it shall be subject to assume criminal liabilities according to the provisions of the Criminal Law on the crime of illegal management;


if the activities are not serious enough for assuming criminal liabilities, they shall be given administrative punishments by the administrations for industry and commerce, and the foreign trade department of the State Council may suspend or even revoke their business licenses for foreign trade at the same time..


Article 69 Any state-run trade enterprise or designated management enterprise violates the provisions of Articles 48 and 52 of the present Regulation shall be given a warning by the foreign trade department of the State Council;


if the circumstances are serious, its qualifications as a state-run trade enterprise or designated management enterprise may be suspended or even revoked by the foreign trade department of the State Council..


Article 70 Any staff member engaged in the administration of the import or export or goods that, in the process of performing its functions of administration over the import or export of goods, abuses its power or neglects its duties or accepts or exacts property or money from other people by taking advantage of its functions shall be subject to assuming criminal liabilities according to the provisions of the Criminal Law concerning the crime of abusing power or the crime of neglecting duties or the crime of accepting bribes or other crimes; if the activities are not serious enough for assuming criminal liabilities, it shall be given administrative punishments.


Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions


Article 71 Any one who refuses to accept the decision of the administrative organs as provided in the present Regulation on the granting of quotas, tariff quotas, licenses or automatic licenses or to accept the decision on determining the qualifications of state-run trade enterprises or designated management enterprises or accept the decision on administrative punishments may plead for administrative reconsideration or institute a lawsuit at the people's court..


Article 72 The provisions of the present Regulation shall not foreclose the taking of measures such as tariff, inspection and quarantine, security, environmental protection, intellectual property, etc. according to the provisions of laws or administrative regulations over the goods imported or exported..


Article 73 The export of goods under export control like nucleus products, nucleus-related civil products, monitored chemical products, military products, etc shall handled according to the provisions of relevant administrative regulations..


Article 74 Where it is necessary to take antidumping, anti-subsidy or safeguard measures against imported goods, the provisions of the Foreign Trade Law and other relevant laws and administrative regulations shall be observed..


Article 75 Where there are otherwise provisions in laws or regulations concerning the import or export of goods of special economic zones like the bonded areas or export processing areas, etc, such provisions shall be observed..


Article 76 The foreign trade department of the State Council shall be responsible for the bilateral or multilateral discussions and negotiations concerning the import and export of relevant goods, and shall be responsible for settling trade disputes..


Article 77 The present Regulation shall take effect as of January 1, 2002.


The Interim Regulation of the People's Republic of China on the License of Import of Goods which was promulgated by the State Council on January 10, 1984, the Interim Measures on the Administration of Export Commodities which was ratified by the State Council on December 21, 1992 and issued by the MOFTEC on December 29, 1992, the Interim Measures on the Administration of the Import of Machinery and Electrical Equipments which was jointly issued by the State Economic and Trade Commission and the MOFTEC on October 7, 1993, the Interim Measures on the Administration of Quotas for the Import of General Commodities which was ratified by the State Council on December 22, 1993 and jointly issued by the State Development Planning Commission and the MOFTEC on December 29, 1993, and the Interim Measures on the Administration and Management of Imported Goods which was ratified by the State Council on June 13, 1994 and jointly issued by the MOFTEC and the State Development Planning Commission on July 19, 1994 shall be concurrently repealed.

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