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第四十一条 广播之声、电视台制作广播、电视节目,应当同表演者订立合同,并支付报酬。

Article 41 When producing a radio or television programme, the radio station or television station shall conclude a contract with, and pay remuneration to, the performer.

第四十二条 广播之声、电视台对其制作的广播、电视节目,享有下列权利:

Article 42 A radio station or television station shall, in respect of a programme produced by it, enjoy the right:


(1) to broadcast the programme;


(2) to authorize others to broadcast the programme, and to receive remuneration therefor; and


(3) to authorize others to reproduce and distribute the radio or television programme, and to receive remuneration therefor.


The term of protection of the rights specified in the preceding paragraph shall be fifty years, expiring on December 31 of the fiftieth year after the first broadcasting of the programme.


A producer of sound recordings or video recordings who is authorized to reproduce and distribute a radio or television programme shall also pay remuneration to the copyright owner and the performer as prescribed by regulations.

第四十三条 广播之声、电视台非营业性播放已经出版的录音制品,可以不经著作权人、表演者、录音制作者许可,不向其支付报酬。

Article 43 A radio station or television station may broadcast, for noncommercial purposes, a published sound recording without seeking permission from, or paying remuneration to, the copyright owner, performer and producer of the sound recording.

第四十四条 电视台播放他人的电影、电视和录像,应当取得电影、电视制片者和录像制作者的许可,并支付报酬。

Article 44 A television station which broadcasts a cinematographic, television or video-graphic work produced by others shall obtain permission from, and pay remuneration to, the producer of the cinematographic, television or video-graphic work.

第五章 法律责任

Chapter V Legal Liability

第四十五条 有下列侵权行为的,应当根据情况,承担停止侵害、消除影响、公开赔礼道歉、赔偿损失等民事责任:

Article 45 Anyone who commits any of the following acts of infringement shall bear civil liability for such remedies as ceasing the infringing act, eliminating its ill effects, making a public apology or paying compensation or damages, etc., depending on the circumstances:


(1) publishing a work without the permission of the copyright owner;


(2) publishing a work of joint authorship as a work created solely by oneself without the permission of the other co-authors;


(3) having one's name indicated on a work created by others, in order to seek personal fame and gain, where one has not participated in the creation of the work;


(4) distorting or mutilating a work created by others;


(5) exploiting a work by performance, broadcasting, exhibition, distribution, making cinematographic, television or video productions, adaptation, translation, annotation, and compilation, or by other means, without the permission of the copyright owner, unless otherwise provided in this Law;


(6) exploiting a work created by others without paying remuneration as prescribed by regulations;


(7) broadcasting a live performance without the permission of the performer;


or (8) committing other acts of infringement of copyright and of other rights and interests related to copyright.

第四十六条 有下列侵权行为的,应当根据情况,承担停止侵害、消除影响、公开赔礼道歉、赔偿损失等民事责任,并可以由著作权行政管理部门给予没收非法所得、罚款等行政处罚:

Article 46 Anyone who commits any of the following acts of infringement shall bear civil liability for such remedies as ceasing the infringing act, eliminating its ill effects, making a public apology or paying compensation for damages, etc., depending on the circumstances, and may, in addition, be subjected by the copyright administration department to such administrative penalties as confiscation of unlawful income from the act, or imposition of a fine:


(1) plagiarizing a work created by others;


(2) reproducing and distributing a work, for commercial purposes, without the permission of the copyright owner;


(3) publishing a book where the exclusive right of publication belongs to another publisher;


(4) producing and publishing a sound recording or video recording of a performance without the permission of the performer;


(5) reproducing and distributing a sound recording or video recording produced by others without the permission of its producer;


(6) reproducing and distributing a radio programme or television programme without the permission of the radio station or television station which has produced that programme; or


(7) producing or selling a work of fine art where the signature of the author is forged.

第四十七条 当事人不履行合同义务或者履行合同义务不符合约定条件的,应当依照民法通则有关规定承担民事责任。

Article 47 A party who fails to perform his contractual obligations, or performs them in a manner which is not in conformity with the agreed terms shall bear civil liability in accordance with the relevant provisions of the General Principles of the Civil Law.

第四十八条 著作权侵权纠纷可以调解,调解不成或者调解达成协议后一方反悔的,可以向人民法院起诉。当事人不愿调解的,也可以直接向人民法院起诉。

Article 48 A dispute over copyright infringement may be settled by mediation. If mediation is unsuccessful, or if one of the parties retracts from his promise after a mediation agreement is reached, proceedings may be instituted in a people's court. Proceedings may also instituted directly in a people's court if the parties do not wish to settle the dispute by mediation.

第四十九条 著作权合同纠纷可以调解,也可以依据合同中的仲裁条款或者事后达成的书面仲裁协议,向著作权仲裁机构申请仲裁。对于仲裁裁决,当事人应当履行。

Article 49 A dispute over a copyright contract may be settled by mediation. It may also, in accordance with the arbitration clause of contract, or a written arbitration agreement concluded after the contract has been signed, be submitted to a copyright arbitration body for arbitration.


The parties shall implement the arbitration award. If one of the parties fails to implement the award, the other party may apply to a people's court for execution.


If the people's court which has been requested to execute an arbitration award finds that the arbitration award is contrary to law, it shall have the right to refuse the execution.


Where the people's court refuses to execute an arbitration award, the parties may institute proceedings in a people's court for contractual dispute.


Where no arbitration clause is stipulated in the contract and no written arbitration agreement is concluded after the contract has been signed, any party may institute proceedings directly in a people's court.

第五十条 当事人对行政处罚不服的,可以在收到行政处罚决定书三个月内向人民法院起诉,期满不起诉又不履行的,著作权行政管理部门可以申请人民法院执行。

Article 50 Any party who is not satisfied with an administrative penalty may institute proceedings in a people's court within three months from receipt of the written decision of the administrative penalty. If the party neither institutes proceedings nor executes the decision within the time limit, the copyright administration department may apply to a people's court for execution.

第六章 附 则

Chapter VI Supplementary Provisions

第五十一条 本法所称的著作权与版权系同义语。

Article 51 For the purpose of this Law, the term "zhuzuoquan" (author's rights) is synonymous with the term "banquan" (copyright).

第五十二条 本法所称的复制,指以印刷、复印、临摹、拓印、录音、录像、翻录、翻拍等方式将作品制作一份或者多份的行为。

Article 52 The term "reproduction" as used in this Law means the act of producing one or more copies of a work by printing, photocopying, copying, lithographing, making a sound recording or video recording, duplicating a recording, or duplicating a photographic work or by other means.


The term "reproduction" as used in this Law does not cover the construction or manufacture of industrial products on the basis of drawings of engineering designs and product designs, and descriptions thereof.

第五十三条 计算机软件的保护办法由国务院另行规定。

Article 53 Measures for the protection of computer software shall be established separately by the State Council.

第五十四条 本法的实施条例由国务院著作权行政管理部门制定,报国务院批准后施行。

Article 54 The implementing regulations of this Law shall be drawn up by the copyright administration department under the State Council and shall enter into force after approval by the State Council.

第五十五条 本法规定的著作权人和出版者、表演者、录音录像制作者、广播之声、电视台的权利,在本法施行之日尚未超过本法规定的保护期的,依照本法予以保护。

Article 55 The rights of copyright owners, publishers, performers, producers of sound recordings and video recordings, radio stations and television stations as provided for in this Law shall, if their term of protection as specified in this Law has not yet expired on the date of entry into force of this Law, be protected in accordance with this Law.


Any act of infringement or breach of contract committed prior to the entry into force of this Law shall be dealt with in accordance with the relevant regulations or policies in force at the time when such act was committed.

第五十六条 本法自1991年6月1日起施行。

Article 56 This Law shall enter into force as of June 1, 1991.

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