Todd: What do you think about plastic surgery - you know, like, especially lip implants, breast implants?
Wendi: Yeah, absolutely. I would be like, maybe like four years ago, I was like, "No" if you do that kind of thing you are so vain. That's so not cool. And now, I'm like, "Yes, sign me up!" like "Any spring specials?" (Pause)
Todd: Actually, how old are you?
Wendi: 30
Todd: 30
Wendi: Yeah.
Todd: OK, so you're saying that maybe when women get older, they think like OK maybe they would like a nip and tuck here and there.
Wendi: Yeah, absolutely you know, you know move some stuff from place to place. I don't have to give up any parts but you know just place it in a more appropriate location
Todd: Interesting.
Wendi: Yeah. I don't think it's so bad.
Todd: Yeah.
Wendi: Yeah. Like you know, some minor maintenance, I think. Nothing wrong with that.
Todd: Maybe if you do it once but two problems. One - I think, I don't understand the breast implants. I think most men don't like them.
Wendi: I think most men do like them actually.
Todd: No way.
Wendi: Yes.
Todd: I doubt it.
Wendi: Yes, of course they do.
Todd: It looks just terrible.
Wendi: What kind of men do you hang out with?
Todd: Actually, that's a good question. I've never actually asked another man.
Wendi: Oh, you don't have friends.
Todd: That's - you hit on the truth there. That's so true.
Wendi: What were we saying though?
Todd: I don't know. Well, there was two things. I don't have friends and breast implants.
Wendi: I'm joking. But actually, for me, I wouldn't get breast implants because I couldn't run.
Todd: Oh, you can't run. That's a good point, huh?
Wendi: Well, I don't know if it's just like, I can't imagine you could, well, I mean, I'm sure people do, but I mean like actually play sports and stuff. I wouldn't want to like dive onto the ground to catch like a frisbee and the chance that they would explode or anything could happen.