

来源:汕头大学医学院网   阅读:3023 次  日期:2015-11-06 08:58:01








合作教授 Supervisor 二级学科 Sub-field within the Academic Displine 研究方向 Research Field 联系方式 Contact Information
石刚刚 Ganggang Shi 药理学 Pharmacology 心血管药理,中药药理 Cardiovascular Pharmacology, TCM Pharmacology 0754-88900301 ggshi@stu.edu.cn
顾江 Jiang Gu 病理学与病理生理学 Pathology and Pathophysiology 分子病理学 Molecular Pathology 18688002602 2523381625@qq.com
黄东阳 Dongyang Huang 医学细胞生物学 Medical Cell Biology 长非编RNA对基因的表观遗传调控 Epigenetic mechanism of Gene regulation by long noncoding RNAs http://www.med.stu.edu.cn/list-33.html 0754-88900400 huangdy@stu.edu.cn
秦达念 Danian Qin 生理学 Physiology 男性生殖生理学及男性生殖功能障碍 Male reproductive physiology and abnormatities of male reproductive function 13531230829 dnqin@stu.edu.cn
霍霞 Xia Huo 免疫毒理学生殖毒理学发育毒理学 Immunotoxicology Reproductive Toxicology Developmental Toxicology 主要研究环境污染物对儿童和新生儿生长发育的影响;环境污染物与出生缺陷、肿瘤以及神经、生殖、免疫系统疾病等的发病关系和机制。 Influence on development of children and neonate from environmental pollutants exposure; Relationship and mechanism between enviromental pollutants and birth defect, tumor and disease on neural, reproductive and immune system. 0754-88900307 13623035499 xhuo@stu.edu.cn
陈海滨 Haibin Chen 病理学与病理生理学 Pathology 食管癌分子细胞生物学 cellular and molecular biology of esophageal carcinoma cell signal transduction in esophageal carcinoma 0754-88900495 chenhb@stu.edu.cn
张国君 Guojun Zhang 肿瘤学 Oncology 光学分子影像技术在新药创制领域的应用、Notch信号转导通路与乳腺癌进展与转移的机制、家族性乳腺癌的易感基因研究 The application of optical molecular imaging in drug discovery, Notch signal transduction pathway, the mechanism of breast cancer progression and metastasis,familial breast cancer susceptibility genes 0754-88556826 guoj_zhang@yahoo.com
苏敏Min Su 病理学Pathology 1.家族性食管癌易感基因的筛选与鉴定;2.在食管癌流行病学与遗传易感基因的基础上筛选食管癌恶变的生物标记物;3.为食管癌易感个体建立发病风险预测。4.心脑猝死的司法病理鉴定。1. To identify the susceptibility genes of familial esophageal cancer;2. To develop phenotypic assays that are practicable on an epidemiological scale and the biological maker in the malignant transformation to assist in the search for these genes; 3. To establish the risk predicting model of susceptible idividual of esophageal cancer;4. Judicial pathology expertise of sudden death.(病理教研室网站:http://pathol.med.stu.edu.cn/pathol/index.aspx) 0754-88900429minsu@stu.edu.cn
田东萍 Dongping Tian 病理学 Pathology 1.食管癌与贲门癌肿瘤病理研究;2.家族性食管癌候选遗传易感基因的筛选与鉴定;3.甲状腺自身免疫疾病病理机制与诊断。 1.Tumour pathology research of esophageal cancer and cardia cancer;2.To identigy the genetic susceptibility genes of familial esophageal cancer;3.Pathological mechanism and diagnosis of autoimmunity thyroid disease. (病理教研室网站:http://pathol.med.stu.edu.cn/pathol/index.aspx) 0754-88900429 dp_tian@163.com
李康生 KangshengLi 免疫学 Immunology 神经内分泌免疫研究、抗感染免疫研究、流感相关脑病发病机制 Neuroendocrine Immunity、Anti-Infection Immunity、 Influenza Associated Encephalopathy (http://www.med.stu.edu.cn/list-401.html) 0754-88900456 ksli@stu.edu.cn
张灏 Hao Zhang 肿瘤学 Oncology 1、分子标志物指导下的实体肿瘤个体化治疗;2、炎症代谢和肿瘤 1. Molecular biomarker-based personalized therapeutics in cancer;2. Crosstalk between cancer, inflammation and metabolism http://www.med.stu.edu.cn/teacherdetail-633-68.html 13502953989 haolabcancercenter@163.com
吴仁华 Renhua Wu 医学影像学 Medical Imaging 放射生物学、生物医学工程 Radiation biology, Biomedical Engineering (http://imaging.med.stu.edu.cn/) 13322772961 rhwu@stu.edu.cn
李冠武Guanwu Li 生物化学与分子生物学Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 药物组学及细胞自噬降解细胞内重要蛋白质的机制Drug proteomics and mechanisms of degradation through autophagy for important proteins in cells gwli@stu.edu.cn
于晓军 Xiaojun Yu 法医学 Legal Medicine 死亡机理及其法医病理学检验鉴定,多因素伤亡的因果关系及其原因力分析,死亡时间,以及其他法医学相关问题的研究 Death mechanism and its examination of medicolegal pathology,analysis of causality and its causative potency about multiple factoes with injury and death,postmortem interval time(PMI), and other relevant problems of legal medicine 13192379595 xjyu@stu.edu.cn
Melitta Schachner 神经科学 Neuroscience 斑马鱼脊髓损伤后再生机制研究;神经粘附分子和模拟物对神经系统疾病的治疗前景 Regeneration after spinal cord injury in adult wild type and transgenic zebrafish. Therapeutic perspectives involving neural adhesion molecules and their mimetics (including small organic compounds) in neurological diseases.http://www.med.stu.edu.cn/list-443.html 0754-88900276 schachner@stu.edu.cn
许海云 Haiyun Xu 神经精神药理学 Neuropsychopharmacology 抗精神分裂症药对少突胶质细胞的作用及其分子机制 Effects of antipsychotics on oligodendrocytes and molecular mechanisms. 0754-88900728 hyxu@stu.edu.cn
宋旭红 Xuhong Song 细胞生物学 Cell Biology Long non-coding RNA调控AMPK亚基(α, β, γ)表达、影响AMPK活性的表观遗传学机制研究;细胞应激过程中AMPK的能量代谢调节作用及其与肿瘤细胞应激耐受性的关系 Epigenetic regulation of AMPK activation by long non-coding RNA of AMPK α, β and γ subunit. The regulation of energy metabolism by AMPK activation and the relation with stress endurance during cellular stress in cancer cell 15816721830 songxuhong@stu.edu.cn
叶曙Shu Ye 遗传学Genetics 心血管病遗传基因的探索,基因型表型关系分析,及功能性研究 Identification, genotype-phenotype analysis, and functional study of genetic variants underlying cardiovascular diseases(http://www.med.stu.edu.cn/list-807.html) s_ye@stu.edu.cn
刘道然 Andy TY Lau 细胞生物学 Cell Biology 肿瘤发生的表观遗传学研究;组蛋白翻译后修饰对基因表达调控的影响;组蛋白翻译后修饰与肿瘤发生的关系 Cancer epigenetics,Gene expression regulation by PTM of Histone,Changes of Histone PTMs and carcinogenesis Tel:13118681016 andytylau@stu.edu.cn
许彦鸣 Yan-Ming Xu 细胞生物学 Cell Biology 肿瘤发生的信号转导;潜在用于肿瘤预防和治疗的化学药物筛选 Signal transduction in cancer, Chemoprevention Tel:18688000876 amyymxu@stu.edu.cn
胡盛平 Shengping Hu 法医学 Legal Medicine 法医分子遗传学,法医DNA物证鉴定,短串联重复(Str)序列的人群遗传学及其在法医DNA物证鉴定中的应用 Forensic molecular genetics,forensic DNA scientific evidence, short tandem repeat (Str) population genetics and its application in forensic DNA scientific evidence. 0754-88900203 sphu@stu.edu.cn


合作教授 Supervisor 二级学科 Sub-field within the Academic Displine 研究方向 Research Field 联系方式 Contact Information
秦达念 Danian Qin 生理学Physiology 男性生殖功能异常的机制 Mechanisms of male reproductive dysfunction 13531230829 dnqin@stu.edu.cn
李冠武 Guanwu Li 生物化学与分子生物学Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 药物蛋白质组学及肿瘤标志物 Drug Proteomics and Molecular Marker of Tumor gwli@stu.edu.cn
胡盛平 Shengping Hu 法医学 Legal Medicine 法医分子遗传学,法医DNA物证鉴定,短串联重复(Str)序列的人群遗传学及其在法医DNA物证鉴定中的应用 Forensic molecular genetics,forensic DNA scientific evidence, short tandem repeat (Str) population genetics and its application in forensic DNA scientific evidence. 0754-88900203 sphu@stu.edu.cn
谭学瑞 Xuerui Tan 心血管内科学Cardiovascular disease 心电图诊断;高血压和冠心病的病理生理学研究、高血压的防治;基因多态性与心血管疾病的关系;晚期内皮祖细胞的基础和临床研究;灰色系统研究等。 ECG diagnosis,pathophysiology of hypertension and coronary heart disease, prevention and treatment of hypertension,relationship between gene polymorphism and cardiovascular disease, basic and clinical research of late endothelial progenitor cells, grey system research. 0754-88611690 tanxuerui@vip.sina.com
张国君 Guojun Zhang 肿瘤学 Oncology 光学分子影像技术在新药创制领域的应用、Notch信号转导通路与乳腺癌进展与转移的机制、家族性乳腺癌的易感基因研究 The application of optical molecular imaging in drug discovery, Notch signal transduction pathway, the mechanism of breast cancer progression and metastasis,familial breast cancer susceptibility genes 0754-88556826 guoj_zhang@yahoo.com
张灏 Hao Zhang 肿瘤学 Oncology 1、分子标志物指导下的实体肿瘤个体化治疗;2、炎症代谢和肿瘤 1. Molecular biomarker-based personalized therapeutics in cancer 2. Crosstalk between cancer, inflammation and metabolism http://www.med.stu.edu.cn/teacherdetail-633-68.html 13502953989 haolabcancercenter@163.com
吴仁华 Renhua Wu 医学影像学Medical Imaging 磁共振频谱、PH值成像、功能影像学、影像诊断学 Magnetic resonance spectroscopy,PH Imaging、biomedicalengineering,Functional imaging, imaging diagnosis (http://imaging.med.stu.edu.cn/) 13322772961 rhwu@stu.edu.cn
张铭志 Zhang Mingzhi 眼科学Ophthalmology 青光眼易感基因研究,白内障的基因研究,视神经保护的基础研究 glaucoma genetic research, genetic research of cataract ,basic research of neuroprotection 13829668096 zmz@jsiec.org
张勇刚Yonggang Zhang 内科学 Internal Medicine 心血管疾病发病机制研究;血管活性肽在心血管疾病发病中的作用和病理生理意义 Mechanisms of cardiovascular diseases;Pathophysiological significance of vascular peptides in cardiovascular diseases 13825889792 zhangyg8686@hotmail.com
张铭志 Mingzhi Zhang 眼科学 Ophthalmology 重要眼病的基因组学研究 Genomics of ocular diseaes 13829668096 zmz@jsiec.org
李瑶琛 Yaochen Li 肿瘤学 Oncology 肿瘤干细胞;Notch1、Notch3信号转导通路与乳腺癌进展与转移的机制 Cancer stem cells;Notch1、Notch3 signal transduction pathway, the mechanism of breast cancer progression and metastasis 18576704080;yaocli@yahoo.com
李志凌 Zhiling Li 生殖医学 Reproductive Medicine 1.辅助生殖技术 Assisted Reproductive Technology 2.精卵基础与临床 Basic and Clinical of sperm & oocyte 15602777166 stlizhiling@126.com


合作教授 Supervisor 二级学科 Sub-field within the Academic Displine 研究方向 Research Field 联系方式 Contact Information
石刚刚 Ganggang Shi 药理学 Pharmacology 心血管药理,中药药理 Cardiovascular Pharmacology, TCM Pharmacology 0754-88900301 ggshi@stu.edu.cn







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