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标   题 日 期
 *美国文学 American literature 2017-03-06
 *理科课程 Science course 2017-03-06
 *你的专业是学什么 What are you majoring in 2017-03-06
 *英语发音 English pronunciation 2017-03-06
 *英语表达 English expression 2017-03-06
 *喜欢说英语 Enjoy speaking English 2017-03-06
 *入学 Start school 2017-03-06
 *麻烦你把那碗色拉递给我Can you pass the salad bowl? 2017-03-04
 *数学和英文鉴定考试The math and English evaluation tests 2017-03-04
 *我带你参观一下学校 I\'m going to show you around the school 2017-03-04
 *有两件事你必须知道Two things that you'll need to know 2017-03-04
 *这里是等校车的地方吗?Is this the place to wait for our schoo 2017-03-04
 *什么是集合教室? What's a homeroom? 2017-03-04
 *我找不到教室了I can't find my class 2017-03-04
 *今天是开学第一天It's the first day of school 2017-03-04
 *我得去上一下洗手间I need to go to the ladies\' room 2017-03-04
 *我们的作业需要打出来吗?Do we have to type out our homework? 2017-03-04
 *就要期末考试啦 Finals will be here 2017-03-04
 *去参加毕业典礼 Going to the commencement 2017-03-02
 *你这次的借口是什么? What's your excuse this time? 2017-03-02
 *歌唱比赛 A singing contest 2017-03-02
 *找关于热带鱼方面的资料 Information on tropical fish 2017-03-02
 *初级英语对话:我最喜欢英语 English is my favorite 2017-03-02
 *初级英语对话:放暑假 On summer vacation 2017-03-02
 *我考试作弊被抓了 I got caught cheating 2017-03-02
 *骑自行车和开车 Riding a bike and Driving a car 2017-03-02
 *我是个学生 I'm a student 2017-03-02
 *你喜欢学英语吗?Do you like studying English? 2017-03-02
 *放学后的计划 Plans after the class 2017-03-02
 *你的唱片真多 You sure have a lot of discs here 2017-03-02
 *看地图 Reading the map 2017-03-02
 *国际学生办公室(一) The International Student Office 2017-03-02
 *国际学生办公室(二) The International Student Office 2017-03-02
 *介绍一本好书 To suggest a good book 2017-03-02
 *去美国留学 Going to study in America 2017-03-02
 *你目前就读的是哪所学校? What college are you attending? 2017-03-02
 *申请研究生院 Applying for graduate school 2017-02-27
 *我住在叔叔家里 I live in my uncle's house 2017-02-27
 *兼职家教 A part-time tutoring job 2017-02-27
 *拿了同学的100元钱 Took 100 yuan from the classmate 2017-02-27
 *这个食堂最差劲了 This dining hall is the worst ever 2017-02-27
 *电子和质子 Electrons and protons 2017-02-27
 *我该如何使用图书馆? How do I use the library? 2017-02-27
 *关于借书 About checking out books 2017-02-27
 *我这周几乎都有考试 I've had exams all week 2017-02-27
 *关于哈佛大学 About Harvard University 2017-02-27
 *你最喜欢的课程是什么? What Class Was Your Favorite? 2017-02-27
 *这本书可以外借吗? Can I Check This One out? 2017-02-27
 *任课老师是哪位教授? Who Was the Professor? 2017-02-27
 *你有女朋友吗?Do You Have a Girlfriend? 2017-02-27
 *我只是有点压力过大了 I'm just a Little Stressed out 2017-02-27
 *你能为我说说作业吗?Could You Explain the Assignment to Me? 2017-02-27
 *又是周末啦 It\'s Weekend Again 2017-02-27
 *去操场 Going to the Playground 2017-02-27
 *如何使用图书馆 How Do I Use the Library? 2017-02-27
 *经典英语口语三百句一 2017-02-21
 *经典英语口语三百句二 2017-02-21
 *经典英语口语三百句三 2017-02-21
 *经典英语口语三百句四 2017-02-21
 *经典英语口语三百句六 2017-02-21